This page is used for organization only (best page list view is via >>Pages>>PageMash).

Access to this page has also been limited to admins, using the select-able roles available when editing the page.

New pages can only be made view-able on the website by adding them to the appropriate menu under >>Appearance>>Menus option.

Pages can be renamed, removed from, and/or re-ordered on the menus using the same option.


  • If a page is listed on more than one menu on the website , it will only be listed here once, within the ‘pages’ admin area.. (SEE >>APPEARANCE>>MENUS for the full list of pages shown on all of the menus!)
  • Some menu items have been created as ‘post’ pages for identified post categories. Those post pages show all posts that have been created and assigned to that category . Post pages are not listed here, within the ‘pages’ admin area. (SEE >>APPEARANCE>>MENUS for the full list of pages, including post category pages, shown on all of the menus!)
  • Menu items can also be external links, so those will also not be listed here, under the ‘pages’ admin area. (See >>APPEARANCE>>MENUS for the full list of menu items, including any pages that are external links)

THE MAINTENANCE MENU: Do not use – Only used by host admin when the site needs to be unavailable during upgrades/maintenance.